Home Made Slaw

Tired of buying boring, bland coleslaw from the supermarkets?  Well here is a great recipe for a home made slaw, which has crunch and texture. Without being drenched in mayonnaise. Crunchy, sweet vegetables are teamed with sharp acidic cyder vinegar to add a real bite that's truly satisfying. A perfect a complement to BBQ's, picnics and parties!
1/4 Red Cabbage
1/4 White Cabbage
1 Large Carrot
1 Onion
3tsp of Cyder Vinegar
3tbsp Mayonnaise
Pinch of Salt and plenty of freshly cracked Pepper
Handful of fresh Chives
Thinly slice the cabbages and onion. Grate the carrot and place in a bowl, along with the cabbages and onion. Add the vinegar, pepper and pinch of salt. Now add the mayonnaise and stir to coat. Place in a big dish to serve and sprinkle with chopped chives.     


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