Elder (Sambucus Nigra)

Throughout May to early July you will see the hedge-rows filled with these delicate wild blossoms. Their heady scent fills the air and its a smell you will never forget. Elder has a long heritage within the UK with farmers using it within their hedge-row schemes. A lot of the time they grow near road sides and train tracks which is a bit of a waste as its too dangerous to pick them. So stick to hedge rows, forests and parkland. Before going out foraging make sure you have the right field guide or book for proper identification. Also make sure you have consent from local land owners if your on private property. Picking the wrong plant, shrub or tree could be harmful and even end up in a trip to the hospital.
Elder has many myths associated with it, and they're well worth reading to see how the tree has been respected and seen as the devil himself in the middle ages.
On a lighter note, using the flowers for cordials, wines and champagne is a perfect way to enjoy and preserve their floral heady taste. One of the best pairings for elderflowers are gooseberries, which just so happens to coincide with its season. Using them together to make cakes and bakes, ice creams and granitas. Is match made in heaven with the florally sweet elderflower, against the tangy sourness of the gooseberries.
Well worth getting out there this time of year, and get foraging for these fragrant beauties.        



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