Chimichurri Marinade

Chimichurri originates from Argentina. Typically used for spooning over grilled meats and fish, it can also be used as a salsa or dressing. To add additional depth of flavour and spice. My version uses lime to add a refreshing zing, and fresh chillies to add heat. The parsley adds a fresh herbal note and the garlic lends its pungency. Chimichurri would work great spooned over light broths and hearty dishes. Great for vegetarian dishes also.

Simply chop a handful of flat leaved parsley, 2 chillies and 2 cloves of garlic. Add to a bowl along with 1tbsp of dried oregano 1tbsp of cyder vinegar and 3-4tbsp of olive oil. Squeeze in the juice of a lime, season with salt and pepper. Mix together to a paste and leave to infuse for 15-30 minutes. Use as required, store in a airtight jar in the fridge for up to  3 days.  


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