Herb Roasted Jersey Royals

With the Jersey Royal potato season in full swing and herbs at the tender stage of growing. I thought about a simple recipe to infuse rapeseed oil for roasting them in. By par boiling the jerseys this cuts the roasting time massively. The herbs used are rosemary, thyme and mint which all work well with potatoes. This recipe will work with any meats to any cuts, also salads and vegetarian dishes.
Par boil 500g of jersey royal potatoes for around 10-15 minutes. Drain and allow to cool or better yet use the next day.
Chop the mint, rosemary and thyme. About 2tbsp of each should be enough then place in a bowl. Add 2-3tbsp of good rapeseed oil a pinch of salt and plenty of fresh pepper. Mash together with a fork and leave to one side until needed.
Heat a table spoon of rapeseed oil in a oven proof sauté pan. Slice the potatoes in half, then place them in the pan and cook until they start to crisp. Pour in the herby oil then toss to coat the potatoes. Bash 4-6 garlic cloves adding them to them pan. Place in a preheated oven 180C for around15-20 minutes until golden and crisp.
Serve with additional chop herbs.   


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