Dried Oregano

Oregano is a fantastic herb with a pungent fragrance. It will liven up any dish it's added to. Oregano also grows well in English soils, so well worth buying a couple on your next visit to the Garden Centre. They need very little maintenance so can be potted or added to borders and just left to their own devices. The leaves and flower heads can be used in many Greek and Italian dishes to add a wickedly herby fragrance. When they get a little older and woodier towards the end of the year, you can cut them low to the ground above the last buds for a productive next years growth. But rather than discarding the cut offs, tie them up and hang them to dry. It's very simple and easy to do. Just tie the cut ends together with string and place them in a bag. Then hang in a well ventilated space to dry. It takes around four weeks for them to dry out completely. Once dried all you will have to do is scrunch the bag and the leaves and flower heads will come off. Discard the branches and any woody bits amongst the dried herbs. Then just pop them into a jar or container and you will have dried oregano to enjoy throughout the Autumn and Winter months.



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